Online exclusives
What’s your most prized VCU memento?
Objects connect us to people and places. Tell us about one that’s special to you.
The American streetcar’s legacy is its neighborhoods
Though electric street railways were ripped up and paved over, many of their namesake “streetcar suburbs” remain popular and vibrant.
Jerry West’s VCU assist
The basketball legend, who died in 2024 at age 86, had a small but meaningful connection to the university.
A bird’s-eye view
Scientific illustrator Nick Garnhart (B.F.A.’22) reflects on how they use art to teach — and learn — about nature
Tuning in
Ronald Young Jr. shares an episode of “Weight For It” and discusses the podcast’s forthcoming second season.
Praise from our peers
VCU Magazine wins five awards — including magazine of the year — in annual competition of the international Council for Advancement and Support of Education
Behind the lens
In his new book, university photographer Kevin Morley pens a love letter to his photojournalism adventures
All you can heat
In a foundry on West Broad Street, sculpture students create art from flame
How branding changed college sports logos
Brandcenter Executive Director Vann Graves explores VCU’s look through the decades
Engine blocks
Engineering alum Noah Armistead (B.S.’22) chats with the magazine about a replica Ferrari engine he’s building almost entirely out of Lego bricks
The Children’s Tower in photos
A peek inside the 16-story Children’s Tower at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU
New STEM building a place to ‘learn, discover and innovate’
University photographers and videographers tour the six-story facility, which will provide class and study space for over 10,000 students every semester
More memories from Franklin Street Gym
Letters and stories from alumni underscore the building’s charm. Among them: a chance encounter with a future basketball Hall of Famer and an underwater photo shoot.
Terry Austin’s encore
The band director’s friends, colleagues and former students celebrate his VCU career — and retirement — with a concert in his honor
A star is born
Glass artist Neil Duman takes us into his workshop to share how he created the 2022 VCU Alumni Stars awards